
What failure feels like??

I am going to write about the things that were running within me after I gave my last and final attempt and I was waiting for the results to come. I didn't know by then, that CA is not what I am meant for, something else was waiting for me, realisation of which came after 5 years of me running away from it.  You know there is a line between the sea and the sky. It seems so far away that you don't even attempt to move towards it. But somewhere it is calling you, it is on us when we decide to move towards it and in what speed. And no one knows how far it goes. How far I will go. So here it is.... Does people really think from my side, do they even know what I am going through every single day, every single minute that I study is not that simple as it seems, every time I sit to study I think of the results, I know its not the right way to think I know. I should put in efforts without thinking of the result I know everything, but what people do not realising is I have given multipl


Anger, anger is a state of mind, and a person's state of mind reaches at that point due to varied reasons, few of them can be, work pressure, finance pressure, fear, health, injustice, tiredness, hunger, someones wrongful activity, not living a satisfactory life and many more reasons are there. Anger is something that comes from within and is not a personal choice, a person doesn't gets angry on purpose. You can say anger is a mental disease(short term) which occurs due to some reasons and have some symptoms. How to tackle yourself when you are angry: 1) First try to understand the correct reason for your anger, you have to think abt this deeply, some times what we think is the reason is actually not the correct reason, something else must also be bothering you other than that, so give it a deep thought and try to bring out the real reason. 2) once you know the reason, check what all solutions you have to tackle it, also if there is no solution its ok, you have to come to a co

Person going through Depression or anxiety!!

Hi, we all love you!! We all care for you and that is why we are tensed for you No one has any problem with you, stop thinking that we are facing problems because of you. You are a part of the family, loved by everyone. We are incomplete without you. You need to stop thinking that you are creating problems for others. Its the other way will the support for all of us in long run. Right now you are facing some issues in relation to depression or anxiety, its a phase, once it will pass you will be the support for all of us. You were our support before, now and always. And for the matter of fact you know all these things in your mind, i am just reminding you. This is your family, you have all the rights towards it, live it in your way, live it big size. If someone met with an accident, he gets injured, we all do take care of that person right, we get scared, we get worked up, we get tensed this is normal, when our loved person is hurt we do get affected. Similarly if you are goin

Home maker!!

I don't know why a homemaker is not considered as a working women or a working men. In fact according to me keeping all the busy people working in corporates aside a homemaker is the one who should be recognised for the immense amount of work they do in their routine life. . We as students have to give exams twice a year, as an employer we have to achieve few projects in a year, as an employee we have to handle few projects and implement few things in a year, and on the other hand, homemakers, they have to give exams every morning all the 365 days and if they fail in it, we criticise them.  . We love them we respect them no second thoughts on that, but do we think about how lonely they feel when everyone of us are at work and she/he is sitting all alone at home and when we come back home we don't have time to talk to them as we are tired. And on the other hand he/she waited the whole day for us to come home so that he/she gets to talk to us. . We avoid talking to them or get i

How to keep aged people happy??

First of all for the matter of fact they are aged people and what comes in their mind is not in their control, its the age which speaks. They have huge insecurities abt being left out alone of every small things, modern lang me people say it as FOMO (fear of missing out), which is very common these days They want to be involved in every small things which is not feasible but the younger members of the family should see to it that they keep them informed  abt every small updates abt whats going around. Also try showing them every non routine thing you purchased. They feel emotional abt very small things and they dont have anyone to whom they can talk to,( unlike us, we have our frnds, partners, parents and many more people on whom we remove our anger and emotions),  and it will come out in a bad way, so be ready for it and don't take it to your heart. They are aged and communication from their side is little difficult they feel bad abt communicating their requirements to us, so we c

A good Son and A good husband!!

A good son can also be a good husband!! Is this a myth or something? Or why are people so scared about that moment to arrive in life where you will be so called stuck in between your mother and your wife!! It all depends on how well you manage things and mindsets of your parents and your wife . To start with the fact that your wife has left her own house and has come to your place post marriage away from her parents, and that is just because of some rituals that people have been following since years and so no one is able change that concept and and now if you think of any alternate solution to this, every option comes in mind has some pros and cons like this ritual has!!  So, first of all it is not an obvious thing, that girls will obviously have to come at your place, they are accepting the rituals as they are left with no option and so they are accepting it, and who knows this ritual must have been decided keeping in mind that, women have a very very high level of will power and ad

Depression leading to suicidal behaviour!!

How can anyone or anything be more important to you than yourself?? . This in no way means that you cannot love other people and things and give importance to that, you can always do that and you should do that, but not at the cost of yourself. . We all are humans, we get attached to people very easily, we get very sensitivity when it comes to our dreams and our standard of living, earning money, we think that we are dependent on many things and people and we cannot live without those things and people. We think that there is no purpose of living if we are not able to achieve our dreams and fulfill our passion. . We are wrong, it is not like this, we obviously get attached to people and we get upset when we loose them. Being upset is not wrong but to stop living your life because you lost someone very close to you is totally wrong. The one because of whom you have stopped living a happy life, never wanted to see you like this at the very first place. . What's the big deal if you ar