Home maker!!

I don't know why a homemaker is not considered as a working women or a working men. In fact according to me keeping all the busy people working in corporates aside a homemaker is the one who should be recognised for the immense amount of work they do in their routine life.
We as students have to give exams twice a year, as an employer we have to achieve few projects in a year, as an employee we have to handle few projects and implement few things in a year, and on the other hand, homemakers, they have to give exams every morning all the 365 days and if they fail in it, we criticise them. 
We love them we respect them no second thoughts on that, but do we think about how lonely they feel when everyone of us are at work and she/he is sitting all alone at home and when we come back home we don't have time to talk to them as we are tired. And on the other hand he/she waited the whole day for us to come home so that he/she gets to talk to us.
We avoid talking to them or get irritated while talking to them, blaming them to have a orthodox thinking. This is very wrong.They might have a different mindset, we might have a different mimdset, and it is not necessary that our thoughts are right and their thoughts are wrong. Try to understand them. 
They interact with different people in their routine life different than what the so called working people do, they deal with thousands of smaller daily household problems as compared to problems of those so called working people have, they have their own way to deal with things and so everyone has a different nature and way of living and we should respect that. And believe me without having their support you will be incomplete. 
They have small dreams and wishes, we should respect their dreams and wishes also instead of focusing only on our dreams and wishes. We should take all the efforts to fulfill their dreams. Believe me its not very difficult to fulfill their dreams as they are small ones.
They are a very important part of our life and even if they do something which we feel is wrong, they have the right to do that. We can't stop them to do anything, just because it is not right as per our ideology. That's just not right. Let them decide what is right and wrong, you can always help them, but you can never stop them.
Unintentionally sometime we do hurt them by our actions and we realise it later, but you know what, the damage is already done.
Their expectations from us is very little but what we do for them is not enough to fulfil that little expectations also. We have to understand and accept that. We need to be little extra careful with them, because when someone gives their life for us, only thing we can do is, to make them feel little special, they deserve it. 
And we think we sacrifice a lot for our studies or work but you know what, the sacrifice they do for us has become a routine thing for them, now they don't even realize that they are sacrificing something, because that has become normal for them, it is a misconceptions in everyone's mind that sacrficing is a part of their duty. 
Its high time everyone change their mindset and start treating them a little special than others in life!! 


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