A good Son and A good husband!!

A good son can also be a good husband!! Is this a myth or something? Or why are people so scared about that moment to arrive in life where you will be so called stuck in between your mother and your wife!!

It all depends on how well you manage things and mindsets of your parents and your wife .

To start with the fact that your wife has left her own house and has come to your place post marriage away from her parents, and that is just because of some rituals that people have been following since years and so no one is able change that concept and and now if you think of any alternate solution to this, every option comes in mind has some pros and cons like this ritual has!! 

So, first of all it is not an obvious thing, that girls will obviously have to come at your place, they are accepting the rituals as they are left with no option and so they are accepting it, and who knows this ritual must have been decided keeping in mind that, women have a very very high level of will power and adjustment quality, much higher than any men on the planet, so appreciate that.

Actually this concept was meant to help your parents, and in those times as we all know men were considered as more responsible as compared to women and so it was decided that men will stay for their parents' support and women of the house will leave post marriage to help another men in giving support to his parents.

But today's generation is defeating the whole purpose of this concept. Men in pressure of their wife leaves the house post marriage and as a result parents of both the girl and the boy are left alone and no one cares !! 

What solutions do we have for this!!

First of all men should be greatfull to women that they are ready to leave their house and come to your place for their whole life.

Also women should not think that men have nothing to sacrifice, nothing to loose. Men also face a lot of difficulty to maintain a good balance between his wife and his mother, this is a very big responsibility and pressure level is quite high. He always have to keep in mind that everyone is happy he cannot get partial towards any one from the family.

Everyone in life whether men or women are given equal amount of pleasure, equal amount of sorrows, and equal amount of struggle in life, but all in different forms.

How we can change few things and concepts that have been followed by everyone since ages.

Post marriage women should have the freedom to stay with her parents very often and husband should company her if feasible, this will not make the women feel separated from her family.

Women need to have a changed mindset and should not consider her MIL and FIL as some outsiderS and should consider them as very part of the family from the very first day. Then only it is possible that they will have a nice bond after sometime.

And same thing applies to MIL and FIL, they should consider their DIL as their daughter only and treat her in a similar way.

The husband should not not always counter question his wife when she complaints abt her MIL also should not always support her..there is always a mid way. She needs some support from you and she needs to show her emotions out to someone and you the best person she has..so listen to her and support her. Same goes with the mother, son has to keep her mom also happy by listening to her and letting her emotions come out on you. 

It is not always not necessary to convey your wife's talks to your mom and vice versa, some things are good if not said or conveyed, and vice versa for mother's talk.

Husband has to convey some of his wife's wishes to his mom and take a stand for her initially as she is new in the family she will not be able to confidently ask for things.

On the other hand girls should also have to adapt to new systems and environment, as she has come to a new place she has to initially accept the systems and rituals at the new place and with time ut can change for everyones comfort.

For few months the girl has to adjust and need to live a new life forgetting the one she was living at her own place, as there are new people in the house who are not habitual to watch you in that behaviour.

Both boy and the girl after marriage have to show some extra responsibility towards the house and its member.

Our parents are at a stage of life where they have reached after lots of efforts and as per old thinking and mindsets and systems they have sacrificed their whole life in bringing you up here. Now as they have accomplished their goal of helping you settle in life, they have their own dreams and likes and wants. This is the time they can fulfill it, so don't put pressure on them and let them live a happy life now.


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