Depression leading to suicidal behaviour!!

How can anyone or anything be more important to you than yourself??


This in no way means that you cannot love other people and things and give importance to that, you can always do that and you should do that, but not at the cost of yourself.


We all are humans, we get attached to people very easily, we get very sensitivity when it comes to our dreams and our standard of living, earning money, we think that we are dependent on many things and people and we cannot live without those things and people. We think that there is no purpose of living if we are not able to achieve our dreams and fulfill our passion.


We are wrong, it is not like this, we obviously get attached to people and we get upset when we loose them. Being upset is not wrong but to stop living your life because you lost someone very close to you is totally wrong. The one because of whom you have stopped living a happy life, never wanted to see you like this at the very first place.


What's the big deal if you are not able to achieve your dreams, making efforts towards our dream is in your hands rest we have to leave it on destiny and anyways by ending your life you not getting any closer to your dream, by putting more efforts you will get there someday and we should not be very sensitive about our dreams, be ready to be in a position where it seems impossible to achieve your dream, it is ok if you don't achieve what you dreamt of, atleast you trying to reach there, also we should never just run behind our dreams, we should always have a back up ready for tough times, if everyone would have achieved all their dreams, then this world would have been a totally different and amazing place with no illiteracy , no poverty, everyone would be living a happy and luxury life with all the facilities easily available to us.


What's the big deal if you are not able to earn as much as you were earning before or you incurred a heavy loss or your spending capacity has reduced and now you cannot live a life like you were living before. We ourselves have set our standards high when we were earning good and so we can lower our standards as well, believe me it is not difficult and there is nothing wrong in it. Whatever the situation is, how much ever bad it is, you are always capable enough of doing something and earn so much that you can eat food 2 times and live a decent life. And a time will come when you will start earning good again, there is always a phase and we have to pass that phase and we will be gifted with something for that. By ending your life you are just making many other people's life difficult.


Basically whatever the situation is, the solution to that cannot be, to put a fullstop to your life. There is always an alternative and a better solution for every situation.


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